
Cantilever House

The brief demanded a programme of spaces on a compact semi-urban site and a necessity to abundance of natural light and privacy. This is accomplished by introduction of a central skylight encapsulating the entire living area, as well as having floor to ceiling windows. By use of orientation and perforated brick work on balconies, privacy is guaranteed to the inhabitants without compromising on the lighting as well as air quality. To compensate for minimal ground green areas, green pockets were created on the back end as well as on the terrace rooftop, which is gardened.

Cantilever over exterior entry


The brief demanded a programme of spaces on a compact semi-urban site and a necessity to abundance of natural light and privacy. This is accomplished by introduction of a central skylight encapsulating the entire living area, as well as having floor to ceiling windows. By use of orientation and perforated brick work on balconies, privacy is guaranteed to the inhabitants without compromising on the lighting as well as air quality. To compensate for minimal ground green areas, green pockets were created on the back end as well as on the terrace rooftop, which is gardened.




Ruiru, Kamakis





Modern building

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Suscipit et porro excepturi aliquam tempora asperiores assumenda sed. Reprehenderit ut quia. Ut suscipit fugiat similique reprehenderit.

Debitis necessitatibus placeat repudiandae. Expedita qui omnis quos animi. Inventore qui at quia at possimus placeat velit.

Doloremque quia maxime quaerat deserunt recusandae neque vitae. Nesciunt possimus occaecati inventore et facere est eveniet accusantium rerum. Ipsum sit reiciendis est enim vero.

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Few services we provided

Rem atque porro temporibus. Enim eaque molestiae magni ab quo voluptatibus. Quia maiores error eum autem et beatae. Consequuntur dolor labore cum quis. Atque explicabo facere nostrum perferendis. Itaque quibusdam esse quis impedit quidem cumque quaerat autem.

Quaerat voluptatibus et. Voluptatem hic laboriosam harum ut rerum vel maxime minus minima. Non doloribus dolorum. Quis dolorem impedit blanditiis consectetur. Quam aut doloribus laudantium sequi sequi. Voluptas ut id.

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